Rethinking AIDS 2009
The conference is now over. Speakers
were stimulating, thought-provoking, sometimes sad, and sometimes funny.
Networking time built new bridges for the future. Participants in the
conference left more motivated than ever, stimulated, happy, a bit
tired, and a bit sad at leaving all their new friends so soon.
Mission Statement — Rethinking AIDS 2009 will
consist of talks that question the widely held dogma that HIV causes
AIDS, including whether HIV exists, whether it is sexually transmitted,
whether HIV tests are accurate and whether AIDS drugs are safe and
effective. The social, psychologic and legal impacts of an HIV diagnosis
will also be considered, as well as alternative health approaches for
people whose health has been damaged by an HIV diagnosis, by the
prescription of AIDS drugs or who have been diagnosed with an
AIDS-defining illness.
Who Should Attend? — Anyone who has questions about
the connection between HIV and AIDS should attend. If you are already
convinced that the HIV=AIDS dogma is broken come and expand your
understanding. If you aren't sure about it come and perhaps you will be
by the end of the conference. If you are convinced that HIV is the cause
of AIDS and want to understand why some people disagree, you are still
welcome to come, listen, and participate in discussions.
Why Should you Come? — To learn about the history
of the AIDS dogma, scientific flaws in the dogma, treatment of immune
deficiency, legal issues and the human impact on HIV-positives.
What Can You Expect — You will see from the program
that there will be many talks, with opportunities to ask questions and
have group and individual discussions. Social events will allow
networking with other people concerned about the science of HIV, the
social and legal consequences of an HIV diagnosis and the censorship of
science and the media.
For questions or inquiries concerning the conference, write to
info@ra2009.orginfo@ra2009.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Para informaci�n o ayuda en espa�ol, por favor escriba a
consultas@RA2009.orgconsultas@RA2009.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Copyright © 2013 Rethinking AIDS 2009. All Rights Reserved.

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